The Good Ole Days

I haven’t felt like doing much media of late. It’s been a somewhat difficult time to be involved in aviation during this Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown of our country and its borders.

I did however have a few words that I wanted to say, mostly aimed at the wonderful people that I have worked with over the past ten years at SA Express. I built myself a very make-shift studio in my room and attempted a rather amateurish video of my “shoutout” to my friends and colleagues. It was easier said than done, there’s many I wanted to thank and much I wanted to say but couldn’t quite condense them all into a meaningful broadcast that would convey my gratitude.

After I finished my little video I couldn’t help but remember a scene from one of my favourite TV shows “The Office”. it was toward the end of the 9th and final season during a goodbye party where one of the office workers was having a goodbye chat to one of the reality TV cameras. The actors/workers were all moving on with their lives to inevitable greener pastures but there was an element of sadness in the room. Andy (office worker) mentioned to the camera that in years to come he would talk about these times as the “good ole days”. He contemplated things for a second and then said “I wish there was a way to know that you are in the good old days when you are still actually in them”.

I am so grateful for the past ten years at SA Express. I am not writing this because we are saying goodbye but I am acknowledging the realisation that no matter what happens I will talk of the past ten years as the “good ole days”.

I wish everyone in the aviation world all the best during these trying times, I am sure things will bounce back as fast as they were slowed down. We have a unique passion and it’s that passion alone that makes us so resilient both with regards to aviation safety and in our career choice.