Keep It Real!

Hey Pal

What a week! My loyal Fortuner was the recipient of a failed car theft attempt over the past weekend. I spent the beginning of the week getting it up and running again. They messed with the ignition system, so of course, I couldn’t even get it started. A few flatbed rides later, the guys at Edenvale Toyota had it up and running.

By the time Thursday rolled around, I was absolutely shattered. My Whoop recovery tracker is proof of my mental and physical state.

I was in two minds about whether or not to cancel the podcast, but as usual, Ryan and I managed to get it done with our usual wit and charm. It was Ryan’s turn for the now-famous advisory segment😉. Ryan’s choice was the Josh Cahill YouTube channel and a great choice it was. Josh shared our video which quickly became our most downloaded episode in the past 12 months. Having a YouTube channel that relies on views, likes, and subscriptions is a real headache sometimes, but when the production comes together and the views roll in, it becomes dopamine city in the life of Bryan.

I was also fortunate to be a guest on the Omni Show Podcast last week. Those of you who know me well know that the Omni Focus platform is my go-to project manager, that I cannot live without. I will post the link as soon as it is published.

Thought For The Week❤️

This week, we are all about being authentic and speaking the truth. In today's digital age, everyone's chasing the next big wave of likes, views, and shares. The most memorable voices aren't necessarily the loudest but the most genuine.

There's a misconception that truth will cost you – followers, friends, opportunities. But what you stand to gain is far richer: respect, integrity, and trust. These aren't commodities you can click into existence; they're earned through consistent authenticity. In a realm of deep fakes and filtered realities, genuine voices cut through the noise. I hope the Bryan Air Podcast will always be seen as a show by real men who speak the truth sometimes in the face of popular opinion.

Choosing the path of truth in a world swayed by fleeting metrics is daunting, but remember this: trends fade, but authenticity endures. You can smell fake from a mile away. Keep it real!

This Week On The Bryan Air Podcast🆕


  • Jet Zero - The blended-wing airliner


  • Civilian crew launched into space on Virgin Galactic flight


  • Meet Pibot, the humanoid robot that can safely pilot an airplane better than a human.


  • Emirates A380 hit by a drone in Nice



  • Claims of global pilot shortage


  • 2$ to cut your sandwich in half



  • G150 overran after an unstable approach as the crew ‘raced’ to the destination


  • Alaska Airlines suffers structural damage after rough landing


  • Crossing The Line - runway excursions



  • Qantas A380 will operate from Sydney to Johannesburg


  • SAA launches new codeshare flights with Lufthansa


  • Airlines scramble amid ground handling crisis in Windhoek


  • SANDF pilots grounded due to unairworthy aircraft


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Big Love
